✓ Competitive analysis
✓ Study of trends
✓ Definition Of The Brand / Product DNA
✓ Brand/Product Positioning
✓ Definition of the axes of reflection


✓ Moodboards
✓ Roughs
✓ 2D or 3D rendering with textures
✓ Range of products


✓ Detailed technical data sheets
✓ Declination colors / materials
✓ Sourcing and material research


✓ Design Packaging, Tags etc…
✓ Production follow-up
✓ Corrective sheets
✓ Fitting
✓ Packshot and retouching
✓ Art Direction and Digital Strategy

Each new project is approached with a global vision and its ecological impact is part of it. In this approach we look for the best solutions for the environment during the whole process of creation.


“Less, but better”      Dieter Rams