Like many kids of the 90’s, I grew up in the minitel era. So I used to draw a lot, Skateboard and Basketball magazines piled up in my room. Some weekends I would make stuff with my grandfather, he had a lot of tools that he would make me try and I thought it was really cool.

When I was very young, I knew that I wanted to do a job that would mix all my passions. So I followed the school curriculum to become a designer which allowed me to acquire a method and a culture of the object.

Above all, I like the balance of shapes. This research starts with ideas in a mess, scribbled in pencil on a sheet of paper, then refined and declined on the computer. I explore all possible variations in the quest for the right line. Finally, the choice of colors, materials and their combinations is a step that leads to the product and gives it virtual life.

But what I like the most is the feeling I get when I hold in my hands the materialization of the idea, which at the beginning was only a few lines on a sheet of paper.